Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New Website!

Just a heads-up for those of you who have my website bookmarked, I've registered a new domain and built a dedicated website for the Ray Gun bead project. I have a bunch of ideas in the works and some fun twists on the whole concept, so check out the new site and follow along at the new Home of the Ray Gun Bead!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The new Mk.IV in Blasted Ti

It's halftime during this crazy Panthers vs. Seahawks game, so that means it's time for a small drop of the new Mk.IV Ray Gun bead in Blasted Ti.  Like the Mk.I-T's yesterday, these will go quick as blasted Ti is always a favorite.

These are $80 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

Please use the "Buy Now" button to submit your order.  If you would like to purchase more than one bead, you should be able to adjust the quantity once you reach the PayPal checkout area.

*** SOLD OUT ***

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Mk.I-T in Blasted Titanium

Here's a small drop of Mk.I-T's in blasted Ti.

These are $80 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

Please use the "Buy Now" button to submit your order.  If you would like to purchase more than one bead, you should be able to adjust the quantity once you reach the PayPal checkout area.

*** SOLD OUT ***

Monday, January 11, 2016

Mixglo Offer for Atomic Ray Gunners

Daniel at www.mixglo.com has offered a very nice gesture to users of the Atomic Ray Gun. Starting today, orders of twelve (12) T1 trit vials 1.5 x 6mm will include 0.5cc of Norland NOA61 free for Ray Gun customers. That's awesome! Will save buyers a step and when your vials arrive, you should have everything you need to install them in the Atomic beads. Please include the words "Ray Gun Bead" in the order notes area so Daniel can identify your order to include the adhesive.

This offer is not retroactive, but is a nice gesture on Daniel's part to say "thank you" to those who are buying the vials for the Ray Gun project. Orders must be for minimum twelve (12) vials and you must mention the Ray Gun Bead in your order notes to receive this offer.

If you do order from MixGlo and take advantage of this offer, please be sure to thank Daniel for his generosity in providing this for the Ray Gun crew.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lets see those completed Atomic Ray Guns!

With several of the Atomic Ray Guns out in the wild, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!  I know some will have alternating colors, others with specific colors for their favorite sports team or other fun ideas.  I know a couple different people who were going to try glow epoxy instead of vials to make their Atomic Ray Gun glow.  Let's see them!

If you share your Atomic bead on Instagram, please be sure to tag me @mstheiner or hashtag #atomicraygun or #raygundivision and I may repost some of them on my feed.  

Over on the USN, user aerodrew posted the first pic I've seen of a full Atomic Ray Gun in customer hands.  Andrew went with ice blue vials and I think his bead looks fantastic!  Thanks for sharing the pic and I look forward to seeing many more.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The all-new Mk.IV in Raw Ti

OK, another small drop - this time the all-new Mk.IV that folks have been asking about.

These Mk.IV Ray Gun beads are in their "raw" as-machined finish in Titanium. These have NOT been tumbled or blasted, so their edges are a little sharper than I'd normally offer. Since these have a grooved base, they are actually pretty nice overall but note that I will not be offering refund/exchange on these, they are being sold as-is. This finish is perfect for folks who like to modify or finish the beads on their own, or just prefer that shiny straight-off-the-machine look.

These Mk.IV in Raw Ti are $70 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

Limit three (3) per person, use the drop-down menu above the Buy Now button to select your quantity.

***SOLD OUT***

Mk.I-T's in Raw Ti

Here's a small drop of the latest variation of the Mk.I bead, the Mk.I-T with target crown.  The muzzle end of the bead has a recessed crown like a high-accuracy rifle.

These Mk.I-T Ray Gun beads are in their "raw" as-machined finish in Titanium. These have NOT been tumbled or blasted, so their edges are a little sharper than I'd normally offer. Since these have the dimpled Mk.I base, they are actually pretty nice but note that I will not be offering refund/exchange on these, they are being sold as-is. This finish is perfect for folks who like to modify or finish the beads on their own, or just prefer that shiny straight-off-the-machine look.

These Mk.I-T in Raw Ti are $70 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

Limit three (3) per person, use the drop-down menu above the Buy Now button to select your quantity.

*** SOLD OUT ***

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Mk.I Atomic Ray Gun in Raw Ti - Main Drop

Like the pre-release drop on Friday, these Mk.I Atomic Ray Gun beads are in their "raw" as-machined finish in Titanium. These have NOT been tumbled or blasted, so their edges are a little sharper than I'd normally offer. Since these have the dimpled Mk.I base, they are actually pretty nice but note that I will not be offering refund/exchange on these, they are being sold as-is. This finish is perfect for folks who like to modify or finish the beads on their own, or just prefer that shiny straight-off-the-machine look.

 **These Atomic Ray Gun beads have provisions for up to twelve (12) 1.5mm x 6mm trit vials, which you'll need to secure with Norland 61 or another suitable epoxy. The beads are UNLOADED, meaning you are on your own to source the vials and install. I do not have vials for sale and trit vials ARE NOT included with the bead.**

These Mk.I Atomic in Raw Ti are $75 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

Limit three (3) per person, use the drop-down above the Buy Now button to select your quantity.

*** SOLD OUT!! ***

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Installing Trit Vials in the Atomic Ray Gun

A few years ago, I bought a very cool little keychain flashlight called a Veleno Designs Quantum D2.  Great little light, with infinitely variable output and super small, perfect for keychain carry.  That little light has banged and bumped around with my keys for three years and it has a pair of the exact same size 1.5mm x 6mm trit vials, mounted in the same fashion as I designed into the Atomic Ray Gun Bead.  It's been very robust and I haven't yet lost a vial so it seemed like a solid approach for the bead.

My own Veleno has the vials installed by simply dropping a dab of Norland 61 at the top of the vial where it sits flush with the outer surface of the flashlight.  The method outlined in the video below is without question more secure and at $7/vial x 12, probably worth doing for the negligible difference in Norland epoxy required.  The stuff dries completely clear so if you get a little extra somewhere it's really not an issue.  

Rather than re-creating a how-to for this whole thing, the Oracle of Google showed me that fellow EDC enthusiast Nico (ClusterFlux on USN, @zendemic on Instagram) created a YouTube video a few years ago that gives you the full walk-through on how to do exactly this kind of trit vial installation, with exactly the same size vial into the same kind of arrangement:

Nico's video is very easy to follow and I recommend it highly to those wishing to install trit vials into their Atomic Ray Guns for the full Atomic experience.  Beyond the instructions you'll need two things:  Some form of epoxy (your choice, I recommend Norland Optical Adhesive 61 or "NOA 61") and some 1.5mm x 6mm trit vials.  

You can easily source the Norland via eBay or the flashlight enthusiast sites.  You only need a tiny bit to do many beads, so you should be able to find a perfect small quantity for well under $10.  A quick look at eBay shows a Top Rated seller called "acme_gp" selling it for $6 a mL.  I bought a similar quantity some years ago and have done many beads and flashlights with that tiny amount.

For the vials, I suggest contacting Daniel at www.mixglo.com or checking with the various flashlight forums.  I have had excellent customer service and assistance from Daniel on other projects and the prices at MixGlo are very competitive.  

Whether you choose to install vials in the Atomic Ray Gun or simply use/carry it as-is, I hope you have fun!  There are plenty more designs and materials in the works, so keep an eye on my Instagram feed @mstheiner and on the website here for info as things progress.  

Friday, January 1, 2016

Pre-Release Drop: Mk.I Atomic in Raw Ti

I had several folks requesting to buy the Mk.I Atomic Ray Gun beads in their "raw" as-machined finish in Titanium.  These have NOT been tumbled or blasted, so their edges are a little sharper than I'd normally offer.  Since these have the dimpled Mk.I base, they are actually pretty nice but note that I will not be offering refund/exchange on these, they are being sold as-is.  This finish is perfect for folks who like to modify or finish the beads on their own, or just prefer that shiny straight-off-the-machine look.

**These Atomic Ray Gun beads have provisions for up to twelve (12) 1.5mm x 6mm trit vials, which you'll need to secure with Norland 61 or another suitable epoxy.  The beads are UNLOADED, meaning you are on your own to source the vials and install.  I do not have vials for sale and trit vials ARE NOT included with the bead.**

I put a limit of three (3) beads per buyer on this drop as I know some folks want more than one.

These Mk.I Atomic in Raw Ti are $75 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can go ahead and purchase by using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US should contact me for a shipping quote at raygundivision@gmail.com

*** SORRY, SOLD OUT! ***